Call For Photos

The Heart and Soul of Home

Theme: The Heart and Soul of Home

ASE members are invited to share photos that showcase their hometown/city/country. Photos can include landscapes, monuments, or any other feature the reflects what the area is “known for”, what makes it special and unique, in essence, the heart and soul of your home. Please note photos should not feature individuals, including selfies or family pictures.

Send in your photos (and tell us what they mean to you) for our photography exhibit, to be held during the ASE 2025 Scientific Sessions in Nashville, TN September 5 – 7.

Entries Accepted June 1 – July 6

How to Submit Photographs:

  • All entries should be emailed to no later than July 6, 2025.
  • Attach one photograph per email, along with the accompanying descriptive information in the body of the email – see below for specifics. Photographs sent without the descriptive information will be disqualified.
  • Name your images as follows: your first initial/last name/underline/number. (Maximum of 5 entries per person)
  • For entry purposes, photographs should be a minimum of 72dpi, and should be in a jpg or tiff format.

Descriptive information to include with each photograph (in the body of the email or as an attached document):

  • Title of the Photograph (not what you named the file, but a descriptive title you’ve selected).
  • Full name of the photographer and your professional credentials if you wish to include those
  • Type of Camera/Phone used
  • Location of image taken
  • Background/description of the image; what it means to you (100 words or less)

When your entries have been received and qualified, you will be sent a confirming email that includes a link for a release form. All qualified entries will be included in an electronic display, regardless of whether selected to be in the curated display.

Example of an entry from a prior year’s exhibit:

A Room With a View
Taken by Jill Inafuku, BS, RDCS, RDMS, FASE




We encourage you to enter soon and often. GIVE US YOUR BEST SHOT(S)!